Friday, February 17, 2012

PA coaching, is it worth it?

I felt it would be worth it to mention a path I was looking into before I was accepted to PA school. I had read Andy Rodican's book:

This book I found to be VERY helpful in my process of getting accepted to PA school. It only cost me around $17 or so, and I figured anything that could give me info on getting into PA school would be worth investing in. 

After receiving a few 'rejection letters' I thought it smart to look into my approach of applying for next year (in case I wasn't accepted). I did a lot of research and came across a service that a few people offer, this is 'PA coaching'.

If one is committed to becoming a PA they will be willing to invest hundreds, if not a thousand or more dollars to get accepted to PA school. Yes of course if accepted one will have to pay for tuition costs, but if being a PA is the goal and passion, nothing should stand in the way.

I decided that investing in a PA coach would be worth the investment for my desire to become a PA. (I however did not have to follow through on this because I was fortunately accepted this year). It is my opinion that getting help in the form of a 'PA coach" would be worth the investment. Its hard applying to PA school alone and having someone who knows the process, will review your personal statement, and do a 'mock interview' with you when accepted for an interview will be such an amazing benefit.

Many PA coaching programs offer a money back guarantee or a second year of coaching free if you are not accepted with their help.

This is not always the best fit for everyone, however it is worth looking into, and could be that extra push you need to make it into the PA program you want to get into. 

Below are a few of the coaching programs I have found, I have no personal connection with any of these programs, these are just a few that I have found in my own searching:

Andy Rodican

Dave the PA coach 


  1. I work for a PA job board. Your blog seems to be alive. Do you want to be a contributor on our site?

  2. Hello! Sure, I could be a contributor on your site. Feel free to email me with all the details

  3. You could likely get the book from a library, thus saving $17. I didn't use one and was a successful applicant at several schools.

    Also, many schools include mock interviews and paper reviews as part of their alumni services. I'm from one of the least populated states in the nation and my public university offers these services.

    Use the resources that are available to you for free before you start throwing out even more money; the application process is already so expensive.

    1. PA coaching is not for everyone that's for sure. Everyone has different circumstances and comes from different backgrounds. I was able to get accepted without PA coaching, however, it doesn't always work out that way. Having a coach or mentor who knows the process, what schools are looking for, and have a pattern of success to stand out as an applicant is a good idea. I know a few pre-PA's who have applied 4 or more times without getting accepted! The amount of money they paid for their application process could have paid for a PA coach and helped them get accepted on the 1st or 2nd try. Then again, there is never a process 'set in stone' for this career, what works for one person may not work for another. With more individuals applying to PA school the application process is becoming more competitive, anything to increase your chances is worth it for those who are passionate about the career in my opinion.

  4. Only rejections with a 3.25 GPA. Is there a way to overcome the lower GPA and get accepted?

  5. Well to answer your question you have to be sure that the only reason you didn't get accepted was simply because of your GPA... have you emailed or called the program(s) you applied to and ask why they sent you a rejection letter and what you could do to make your application better for next year? If you haven't done so yet, I would highly recommend it. You might be surprised to find it could be other areas of your application they found needed more help than simply your GPA alone.
