About Me

My name is DJ and I started my journey as a Physician Assistant in 2012 at Pacific University in Hillsboro Oregon. I have since graduated and am a certified PA. I completed a post-graduate fellowship in ENT and Head & Neck surgery at Mayo Clinic, and have since worked in Trauma surgery, Urgent Care, and Hand surgery. I currently work in the ER in Mesa, AZ.


  1. Hey DJ. I interviewed at Mayo AZ for ENT Residency this year, and after reading your blog, I would love to hear more regarding your experiences there. Let me know if you would be willing to share. Considering I could possibly be a resident there next year, I would definitely appreciate a few minutes of your time. Thanks! You can contact me at JDensky@uthsc.edu

  2. Hi DJ, I am looking in to the fellowship and was wondering if you could answer some of my questions. My email is khollenback29@midwestern.edu, thanks!

  3. Hi DJ, I'm a PhD student researching PA professional narratives online. I am really interested to learn about PA bloggers and their experiences becoming a PA and then experiences sharing their insights through ICTs. I would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you about your experience using the internet to share your insights into the PA profession. I would greatly look forward to scheduling a telephone interview with you at your convenience. Please feel free to reach me at my email: bridget.meade@uhasselt.be
    I look forward to hearing from you and learning more about your insights!

  4. Hi DJ! I'm a pre-PA student and I love your blog! I am also in the Phoenix area and working on an application to AT Still University's PA program. I know you're very busy, but I would love to get in touch with you to ask questions, receive advice, and potentially shadow you if it's a possibility! My goal is to be in emergency medicine, so the trauma center sounds like exactly the exposure I'd like. Thank you so much! My e-mail address is BCauley@svb.com.

  5. Hey! I'm a PA student graduating in August. I'm interested in a residency or fellowship and I'm having difficulty finding information on the typical GPA or stats for a resident. Can you give me some insight on what they are looking for?

    1. Sure, what email can I reach you at? Perhaps we can talk on the phone to go over any questions in depth as it will save time to endless typing. -DJ

    2. Yes, that would be awesome! nicole.essie@gmail.com, can you email me your phone number/I will email you

  6. Hello DJ, would you mind contacting me please. E-mail is c73solis@hotmail.com

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi DJ,

    I have an interview coming up at Pacific University on November 4th. Im so nervous! I was wondering if you could provide any more insight into the school and the interview process.


    1. sure, email me deejfenn@gmail.com, and i'll tell you all about it and answer any questions.

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